Fractals from Video-Rendering with FPGAs

Fractal Windows Wallpapers

Fraktal - Wallpaper - Jürgen Schuhmacher - Rendering Fraktal - Wallpaper - Jürgen Schuhmacher - FPGA Fraktal - Wallpaper - Jürgen Schuhmacher - Video
Fraktal - Windows Wallpaper - Jürgen Schuhmacher Fraktal - Wallpaper with FPGAs - Jürgen Schuhmacher Fraktal - Wallpaper mit FPGA-Renderer - Jürgen Schuhmacher
Fraktal - Wallpaper Fraktal - Wallpaper Fraktal - Wallpaper
These images have been rendered with my FPGA-visualizer based on an Spartan 6 FPGA creating 1920x1080 analog VGA video. The have been transferred to HDMI with a converter, captured with a HDMI-frame grabber and saved as *.BMP.
Click to download an image as a windows wallpaper for your PC.


(C) 2016